Fundamentals of Welding Program

$7,520 Tuition (books and tools not included)

This program is designed to provide students with a fundamental study of welding plates in many positions. Students learn two introductory welding processes: shielded metal arc and gas metal arc on plate. This program will normally be completed in approximately 10 weeks during the day shift, 14 weeks during the afternoon shift, and 19 weeks during the evening shift. Individuals already working in the welding industry who have never had an opportunity to formalize their training by learning the fundamentals and theories of welding will also benefit from this program. Upon successful completion of this program, students will receive a diploma. Graduates are prepared for entry-level positions in the welding field as welder helpers or structural welders in a variety of locations including fabrication shops, maintenance, and repair shops.

WLDG 1311 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc Welding

(Lecture 0; Lab 80; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 80)

This course is a study of basic topics in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). It includes welding t-joints, lap joints and open root in various positions.

WLDG 1313 Introduction to Blueprint Reading for Welders

(Lecture 8; Lab 0; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 8)

This course is a study of industrial blueprints. Emphasis placed on terminology, symbols, graphic description, and welding processes. It includes systems of measurement and industry standards. Also includes interpretation of plans and drawings used by industry to facilitate field application and production.

WLDG 1323 Welding Safety, Tools, and Equipment

(Lecture 4; Lab 0; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 4)

This course is an introduction to welding careers, equipment and safety practices, including OSHA standards for industry.

WLDG 1525 Introduction to Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting

(Lecture 2; Lab 18; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 20)

This course is an introduction to oxy-fuel welding and cutting, safety, setup and maintenance of oxy-fuel welding, and cutting equipment and supplies.

WLDG 1528 Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding

(Lecture 4; Lab 236; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 240)

This course is an introduction to the shielded metal arc welding process. Emphasis placed on power sources, electrode selection, oxy-fuel cutting, and various joint designs. Instruction is provided in SMAW fillet welds, t-joints and open root in various positions.

WLDG 2413 Capstone: Introduction to Welding Using Multiple Processes

(Lecture 0; Lab 24; Externship 0; Total Clock Hours: 24)

This course teaches uses of layout tools and blueprint reading with demonstration and guided practices with various welding processes: oxy-fuel gas cutting and welding, shield metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), or any other approved welding process.