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Should you turn on the oxygen or fuel gas first? What does it look like to have a neutral flame? ESAB Elite member and Precision Welding Academy President, Scott Raabe (@scott_raabe) did a quick step-by-step walk-through that shows how to properly light and set up your torch before cutting with oxy-fuel.
Scott Raabe, Precision Welding Academy President, shows TIG welding on a pipe, 140 amps, #8 cup and 3/32 filler rod.
Pipe welding can be a huge challenge if you don't know the right technique. Here's a step-by-step view that shows how Elite partner and Precision Welding Academy President, Scott Raabe handles the tough passes and angles. Learn more about Scott and other top welders who have teamed up with ESAB to show off their latest projects and share their wisdom at
Scott Raabe, Precision Welding Academy President, shows TIG welding on a 3 inch slip-on flange, 210 amps, number 8 cup and 1/8th filler rod.
Andrea Havlin, Brian Lambert and Scott Raabe, Precision Welding Academy President, from the ESAB Elite sat down with Arc Junkies at FABTECH 2018 to talk about their craft, secrets for success and the current state of the industry. Get to know the entire squad at